A Wombman’s Way Warrior Midwifery Training Graduates 6 New Midwives
Something that brings me immense joy this season is knowing that in January, a dream deferred is coming true. It is a dream not just of one woman, but of the generations of Black women, often known as Granny midwives, who have delivered so many from suffering into joy for centuries — beating all odds.
Now, thanks to the unwavering dedication of my dear colleague and friend, Grand Warrior Midwife, Sakina O’Uhuru, and the Granny Midwives before her, six Black women are graduating from A Wombman’s Way Warrior Midwife Training Program.
The mission of A Wombman’s Way Warrior Midwife Training Program (WMTP) is to empower Black individuals with the knowledge, skills, experience, and ancestral wisdom necessary to reclaim, revitalize, and decolonize the practice of Granny Midwifery that was criminalized by the medical establishment in the 1920s and remains under severe scrutiny to this day.
We’re joining in support of Sakina’s commitment to changing this landscape for Black Midwives one graduate at a time. After having devoted her entire life and career to midwifery, with the help of people like you and me, Sakina has finally been able to shift her focus from solely practicing to teaching a new generation of Black Midwives to serve the growing needs of Black families and address the inequities and injustices facing Black birthing people and Black Midwives.
Join us giving joyfully to this extraordinary organization so that they can meet their goal of providing each graduate with a stipend to help launch the next phase of their Warriror Midwifery Journey. The path of midwifery is challenging and unrelenting.
Together, we can continue to change the outcomes for Black births in America from one of suffering, lack, and loss to joy, empowerment, and abundance.